One of the lead instructors at MakerSquare gave us a lightning round recap of the things we have learned during the first six weeks of our immersion into web development.
- Ruby
- classes
- modules
- instances
- instance variables
- models
- views
- templates
- controllers
- mailers
- routes
- migrations
- databases
- model association
- git merge
- feature branches
- user auth
- hashes
- encryption
- rails
- javascript
- objects
- functions
- scopes
- function in scopes
- closure
- data encryption
- MVP-model, view, presenter
- templates
- events
- Amazon S3
- CarrierWave
- Sessions
- Pry
- Debugger
- Forms
- jQuery
- Riot.JS
- Web Development
- Pair programming
- Pull requests
- Bootstrap
- Foundation
- Sinatra
- Inception
- Dreamscapes
- How to learn
Now if we can master the items listed in this picture, we will be well on our way!
We participated in our first ever hackathon. My team built an social based application(TalentCrops) which was way more complex than anything we could realistically build in a weekend. We didn’t know what we didn’t know so we forged ahead. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
I think one of things I have enjoyed the most so far in my experience is being a part of the community at MakerSquare. On Friday’s we dress up instead of dressing down and wear tie’s to the “office.”
I am very excited that we will have the opportunity to partner with some local non-profits for our final projects.