One of the lead instructors at MakerSquare gave us a lightning round recap of the things we have learned during the first six weeks of our immersion into web development. Ruby classes modules instances instance variables models views templates controllers mailers routes migrations databases model association git merge feature branches user auth hashes encryption rails […]
Kaprekar number
In mathematics, a Kaprekar number for a given base is a non_negative_integer, the representation of whose square in that base can be split into two parts that add up to the original number again. For instance, 297 is a Kaprekar number, because 97² = 88209 and 88+209 = 297. The Kaprekar numbers are named after D. R. Kaprekar. How […]
Learning the Command Line
20 years of coding on an IBM mainframe, I rarely and I mean rarely ever had reason to venture away from TSO and enter an actual command in a terminal. When we finally got desktop computers, the files or folders I created I would do by right clicking on a folder and create new. […]
Herding Racehorses and Racing Sheep
I started reading a book by Andy Hunt, Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, refactoring your wetware. In the Dreyfus model which studies the five stages in the journey to from novice to expert , Herbert Dreyfus states “to become competent, you must feel bad.” Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Proficient Expert Stage 1: Novices Novices are primarily […]