Archive by Author

Code for America

To me, this is what is so exciting about learning to code again.  Check out Code for America and get involved in a local brigade in your community.

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MakerSquare-6 weeks

One of the lead instructors at MakerSquare gave us a lightning round recap of the things we have learned during the first six weeks of our immersion into web development. Ruby classes modules instances instance variables models views templates controllers mailers routes migrations databases model association git merge feature branches user auth hashes encryption rails […]

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Grace Hopper

I had planned to write about my first ever  hack-a-thon  last weekend, but decided to give a quick shout out to Grace Hopper on the 107th anniversary of her birth today. Little did I know almost(gulp a quarter of a century ago), the impact she would have on my life. I took a beginning COBOL class at […]

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Asking a question on Stack Overflow

I swallowed hard today and posted my first ever question on Stack Overflow. I have composed many posts before and never hit the submit button.  I always have stumbled into the solution, but alas no such luck this time. So I enclosed as much information as I thought was needed, overcame my resistance about asking […]

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Google and Stack Overflow

I ran into a strange issue today as I was trying to run bundle for a rails app I started building today. Grr, I hate configuration issues and I haven’t quite discovered the knack for building my google searches so the search returns some useful information. It turned out to be a very simple fix […]

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