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Can coding cure homelessness?

I read an interesting article on the other day that had an interesting title, “Learning to code can cure homelessness. A young man of 23 passes a homeless person everyday on his way to work and wonders if teaching this person to code could be a solution at least to this one person’s homelessness. […]

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Agile versus Waterfall development

This is the traditional waterfall methodology that is widely used for software development on the mainframe. The approach is top down, flowing like a waterfall.  Each phase of the project has to be 100% complete before you move to the next phase of the project. The argument for waterfall development is time spent early on making […]

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Herding Racehorses and Racing Sheep

I started reading a book by Andy Hunt, Pragmatic Thinking and Learning, refactoring your wetware. In the Dreyfus model which studies the  five stages in the journey to from novice to expert , Herbert Dreyfus states “to become competent, you must feel bad.” Novice Advanced Beginner Competent Proficient Expert Stage 1:  Novices Novices are primarily […]

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